Elementary School
The programme of Maple Bear Olomouc Primary School is designed to fully comply with the Framework Educational Programme for Primary Education (RVP ZV).

Operational information
Maple Bear Elementary School Olomouc is open every weekday from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. The classrooms and facilities of the elementary school are designed to best meet the needs of all students attending the school.
The school offers pupils a free after-school club where pupils spend time before and after school (8:30).

Bilingual education
Maple Bear Elementary School Olomouc is a bilingual elementary school. This means that most subjects are taught bilingually. Thanks to this approach, pupils receive a quality basic education with knowledge of professional terminology in both languages. Such an education opens up opportunities for pupils to further their studies both abroad and at prestigious Czech schools.
Skills for the future
Future-ready skills are an important aspect of the programme. These include: risk-taking, teamwork, critical thinking, self-assessment skills, etc. We place much more emphasis on these skills than, for example, simply memorising facts. Our goal is to produce confident, aware global citizens who love to learn and are not afraid to make mistakes in life.

One of the basic approaches applied at Maple Bear Olomouc Primary School is the so-called differentiated approach. This approach allows teachers to adapt the methods, forms and strategies applied in the educational process so that the potential of each pupil can be maximally fulfilled.
Pupils are not evaluated against their peers in school, but against themselves. Adherence to these principles ensures that every pupil can experience success. This is the main motivating force for pupils to love education.

and catering
Uniforms are an important part of the Maple Bear Olomouc Elementary School. Uniforms are worn not only by the students, but by the entire staff. They instill a sense of belonging in the children and serve as a safety feature (especially on school trips and when outside the school building).
Meals for the children are provided by the school canteen - Healthy Pecka, s.r.o. Children are presented with a varied diet enriched with plenty of fruit and vegetables.
We know that every child is the most important person in the world to someone and we treat them accordingly.